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A Tale of Tranquility, Turmoil, and Resilience in Raising Brantley

A recent sense of tranquility embraced us with a gentle breeze that filled our sails with hope, as we sailed uncharted calmer waters for the first time in our eight years of Raising Brantley. However, yesterday the tide changed, reminding us of the unpredictable nature of autism.

It was a challenging day, that was enough to make any parent want to scream their hatred for Autism from the roof top. Brantley's emotions surged like the formidable waves of the North Sea, overwhelming in their unrestrained force.

Navigating Brantley's behaviors left me feeling helpless, unsure how to navigate his emotions. While his tears, screams, and aggression manifested externally, his internal struggle remained a silent battle due to his nonverbal nature.

In the midst of heartbreak, a shared pain unites Brantley and me. Despite my challenges with days like this, I know he carries a heavier burden—a weight I wish I could shoulder on his behalf. I yearn to provide comfort and support, even though it is challenging to provide comfort without understanding the true cause.

Unfortunately, days like yesterday are a common part of the journey for many families dealing with autism. It is a voyage marked by both calm and stormy seas, one where the tide can turn at any moment thanks to the untamed and unpredictable nature of Autism.

This journey is enough to make any parent doubt themselves, underscoring the resilience required in raising a child with autism.

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