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Autism Isn't the End: How Brantley Showed Me the Power of Progress, One Step at a Time

The weight of the word "autism" hit me like a ton of bricks when Brantley was first diagnosed. Every milestone I had envisioned for him suddenly felt unreachable, like our future was destined to be filled with endless struggles. I imagined a life where he would always lag behind, never able to catch up.

But this past weekend, something remarkable happened. As we walked into the house after church, Brantley, my nine-year-old son with profound autism, headed straight into the bathroom, pulled down his pants, and did his thing—without any prompting.

I was in awe.

In that simple moment, years of hard-fought progress flashed before my eyes. I saw every grueling therapy session, every moment of frustration, every tear shed over milestones that seemed impossible to achieve. But there, in that bathroom, I saw how far he’s come.

Most importantly, I saw that autism doesn’t mean he won’t reach his milestones, it just means it will take him longer. And that’s okay.

Is he behind others? Yes.

Is there struggle in our lives? Absolutely.

But my worries about him being behind his peers? They’re pointless.

It isn’t a race. Brantley moves at his own pace. Every step forward is a victory, no matter how long it takes.

Brantley is living proof that progress is possible, even when the journey feels overwhelmingly long. His path may look different from others, but it’s his path.

Autism isn’t easy, but it’s not the end of the road, it’s just a different road. And watching Brantley walk his own path, I know he’ll get where he’s meant to go—in his own time. #autismfamily #autismlife #autismparents #specialneedsparenting

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