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Change On The Spectrum

Five years ago, our backyard turned into Brantley’s personal sanctuary when we installed an in-ground trampoline. Our perpetually energetic boy has spent five summers leaping to his heart's content every chance he had.

Although there was no risk of falling due to the trampoline being ground level, we kept the safety net in place to deter Brantley from running off. However, now that we've fenced the area around his trampoline, we took down the safety net.

Being 9 years into raising Brantley I should have known what was to come. But, I didn’t think about it prior to the change, because my mind isn’t wired like his.

For individuals on the autism spectrum, change can be especially challenging. Predictability and routine offer a vital sense of security in a world that can be overwhelming. Any change, whether big or small, can provoke heightened anxiety and stress when the familiar becomes unfamiliar.

And in true Brantley fashion, he is unsettled by the absence of that familiar net. He wanders the perimeter of the fenced in area as if he is lost and searching for his way back to the comfort provided by his trampoline and the graceful jumps it once provided him.

While the removal of that net might seem insignificant to others, to Brantley it is monumental.

As Brantley navigates this change, I'm reminded of his resilience and determination. Despite the unease caused by the absence of the safety net, I see glimpses of his adventurous spirit shining through. While change may be daunting, I know that Brantley possesses the strength and courage to overcome any challenge.

As we continue to support him with patience and understanding, I hold onto the hope that he will gradually find his way back to the comfort and joy of his beloved trampoline. #autismfamily #autismlife #disability #autismawareness

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