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Defeated by Autism: A Parent's Journey Through Unpredictable Toilet Training Challenges

Today, Autism has me feeling defeated. Toilet training an 8-year-old with profound autism is more unpredictable than the Frozen Ever After ride at Disney World when it surprisingly goes backward.

Just yesterday, we were celebrating major progress in our journey. Brantley had made remarkable strides and for a moment, toilet training felt within reach as he consistently went 20 minutes between bathroom trips.

But today, constipation reared its ugly head, and Brantley experienced accident after accident. We went from making huge strides right back to our starting point where Brantley was unable to even make it five minutes between bathroom trips.

I grasp that setbacks are just part of the journey, but this one feels like a gut punch. It's happening on the eve of the one event Brantley eagerly anticipates each year—our church's annual Easter egg hunt. Despite the hurdles he encounters in social situations, even those tailored to special needs, Brantley shines during our church's egg hunt. It's the sole event he willingly engages in, excitedly devouring the candy from each egg he finds. But now, he'll have to sit this one out as we redirect our focus to getting his toilet training back on track. The realization hits hard. It serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing battles we wage because of Autism, and today, it feels like Autism is winning.

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