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Discovering Gratitude in Unexpected Challenges: A Parent’s Journey with Autism and Toilet Training

Have you ever thanked the Lord for your child stripping off their clothes and using their bed as a makeshift toilet?

I have.

You may think I am crazy, and maybe I am. But, in order to not let the challenges of raising a child with profound autism get me down, I vowed long ago to try and see the blessing in each situation.

Last night, as I peeked into Brantley's room before retiring for the night, I was met with the sight of his bare bottom pressed against the window of his cozy little house bed. His giggles erupted and my heart sank. This couldn’t be good. I was dealing with the Flu and wanted nothing more than to climb into my own bed. Surely, this would be one of those moments without a silver lining, right?

As I got to work cleaning the mess, I pondered Brantley’s motives for unleashing a waterfall of urine in the bed. I couldn't help but smile as I noticed his dry diaper laying on the floor. Seeing that diaper, I immediately thanked the Lord for the mess. Brantley took off both layers of pajamas and a dry diaper before he peed, because he knew not to pee in his pants, a lesson learned during our toilet training attempts earlier in the week.

Toilet training a child with Autism can be a daunting task. I had taken our decision to pause toilet training hard and questioned if we would lose the momentum we had gained. But that dry diaper amidst the mess was the encouragement I needed to remain optimistic about potty party 3.0.

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