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Embracing Hope: A Glimpse into the Future of Parenting a Child with Special Needs

"It won’t always be this way," an onlooker remarked as he overheard me hurriedly instructing Bronson, my energetic six-year-old, to quicken our pace.

The scene was typical: Bronson's baseball game had just ended and I found myself racing to load both boys, bat bags and Brantley’s wheelchair into the car. We had only 45 minutes to get across town and scarf down lunch before Brantley’s baseball game with Miracle League.

While the passerby's words were aimed at our frenzied schedule, such comments seldom reached parents like me—parents navigating the unique challenges of raising children with special needs. In the past, I might have forced a smile while silently grappling with the weight of such remarks. It seemed the future wouldn’t be the same, it would be harder. It was daunting to think of a larger, more robust version of Brantley—a version of my son that would undeniably pose greater challenges than his nine-year-old self.

However, a conversation earlier in the week with a fellow mom whose son has Autism sparked a glimmer of hope. She shared anecdotes of their early struggles contrasted with the joy and ease they have experienced in his twenties. As I drove home that day, her words lingered, stirring thoughts about the possibilities awaiting Brantley in the years ahead. Our conversation had me pondering if Brantley’s recent successes were just the beginning.

As I hoisted Brantley’s wheelchair into the car, a smile crept onto my face, triggered by the stranger's remark, reigniting the hope I had recently discovered for his future. Maybe that passerby was onto something; maybe our path won’t always be the way it is now. Perhaps it won’t be defined by the challenges we endure today. Maybe, just maybe, there's a brighter tomorrow awaiting my lovable little man. #autismfamily #autismlife #disability #nonverbalautism

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