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From Dreams to Chaos: A Tale of Sleepless Nights

I've been living the dream. Six consecutive nights of Brantley peacefully sleeping led to six blissful days of rest for me, and a much calmer, happier Brantley. Everything was flowing smoothly until fate intervened.

Last night, my darling boy refused to sleep. His restless night the result of  a particularly messy code brown diaper situation. Surprisingly, his room echoed with giggles and laughter for hours on end, giving us no hint of the chaos that was unfolding beneath his diaper keeping him awake.

Today, I am feeling the aftermath of that messy diaper. Brantley's sleepless night has unleashed a whirlwind of energy, exploring everything in sight and have his pica tendencies reaching new heights. It seems like chaos has made a triumphant return. And with it, my fervent prayers for a peaceful night's sleep tonight and a calmer tomorrow.

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