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Growth Beyond Assessments and Labels

Shortly before turning 8, Brantley underwent testing revealing that his play and leisure skills mirrored those of a 2-month-old, with cognitive abilities on par with a 14-month-old. We've gone through these assessments multiple times, and the results have consistently left me unsettled.

As Brantley's mom, I acknowledge his severe delays, but I've always cringed at the thought of reducing his abilities to numbers on pages. These results seemed so concrete and lacked the true story that defines the essence of Brantley. After all, he is so much more than those numerical evaluations could ever capture. Yet, surprisingly, I find myself wondering about what those numbers might reveal if he were to undergo testing again today.

While I can't identify the exact catalyst, Brantley is undeniably evolving. He's become more engaging and receptive. A once withdrawn child, he now finds joy in having books read to him. I've witnessed him interacting with those around him for the first time in his life, even playing with his brothers Hot Wheels set for a fleeting moment. These positive changes prompt me to wonder if a shift would be evident in the results of the assessments that I've come to loathe.

Despite lingering questions about potential assessment outcomes, one thing is certain: Brantley’s developmental leap goes beyond progress. His transformation reflects a resilience and potential that challenge any labels put on paper. His story is unfolding beyond the confines of assessment results, it is unfolding to progress in the real world, and that is a beautiful thing.

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