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Navigating Parenthood: The Constant Questions of Support, Progress, and Love for Brantley's Journey

"Am I doing enough?"

"Am I doing the right things?"

"Is Brantley getting the right therapies?"

These questions are a constant whirlwind in my mind. I firmly believe the toughest part of parenting a child with high support needs isn't just the challenges themselves; it's the relentless tug-of-war with self-doubt.

Until recently, Brantley's progress has been slower than molasses, leaving me wondering if progress even existed. I often find myself questioning every decision, support method, and ounce of love and understanding I offer.

In the midst of this uncertainty, every tiny step forward feels like a victory dance. But, even as we celebrate, the looming worry about Brantley's future and my ability to prepare him for it casts a shadow.

But amidst the weight of these questions and insecurities, there is also a glimmer of reassurance in Brantley’s happiness. Brantley knows he is loved unconditionally. And perhaps, in the end, that's the most important thing of all—to know that despite the uncertainties, despite the challenges, Brantley is cherished and happy, and that, in itself, is more than enough.

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