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Navigating Summer Break Regressions and Farewells to a Remarkable Year

Brantley's departure from third grade next week marks the beginning of an 11-week hiatus from school.

While breaks always pose challenges, this one feels particularly weighty. The progress Brantley has made this year is remarkable, and it makes the stakes high for summer regressions.

Adding to my apprehension is the looming departure of the incredible team that has supported Brantley throughout this school year. Their impact on his development cannot be overstated. They transformed a boy who struggled to sit for a single minute into one who can manage 10 minutes at a time. They've bolstered his social skills and guided him through the intricacies of toilet training.

Together, they've been Brantley’s dream team—a dedicated group of teachers and therapists who have unearthed so much potential in my lovable and wild son.

The thought of parting ways with this remarkable group weighs heavily on my heart, and I can’t help but worry about its impact on Brantley.

School is more than just a place of learning for him—it’s his sanctuary, and the staff are his people, providing the consistency and support he thrives on.

As we prepare to bid adieu to this school years chapter, my hope is that the lessons learned and bonds forged will continue to guide Brantley on his journey of growth and discovery, long after the school doors have closed for the summer.

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