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Nine Years of Love and Adventure

I still vividly recall the moment they placed you in my arms, taking in every detail of your tiny form. At just 6 pounds and 12 ounces, you seemed so fragile yet perfect. Your deep blue eyes stared up at me, framed by a halo of blonde peach fuzz, reminiscent of the buzz cut you sport today. In that instant, I couldn't help but wonder about the person you would become.

It's hard to believe that nine years have passed since that life-altering day.

You've grown so much since then, both in size and spirit. Despite your dad's insistence that I should stop holding you - especially considering you're 53 pounds heavier - I can’t help but cradle your long, heavy body in my arms, every-time you reach for me. You may be 9, but you’ll always be my little baby, and as long as I have the strength to hold you, I will.

Life with you is an adventure, it’s unlike anything I could have imagined 9 years ago. But, it’s a journey I wouldn’t trade for anything. I didn’t anticipate Autism, but you truly are the best tour guide.

You're wild.

You're smart.

You’re stubborn.

You're funny.

You're happy.

And most of all, you’re loved. You’re loved for being you.

Happy Birthday, Brantman!

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