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The Hidden Costs of Raising a Child with Special Needs

In the world of special needs, everything comes with a steeper price tag—often to a staggering degree.

It’s not just the big-ticket items like tuition, which can rival an entire annual salary, or medical and therapy bills that pile up. It’s the everyday things—what most families might see as minor purchases—that often come with a hefty cost.

For many families, it’s a rite of passage to head to the store and pick out a shiny new bike for their child. For my son Bronson, we just recently purchased a new Bike for about $300. But Brantley, my son with profound Autism, needs an adaptive bike. The cost? Over $3,000. Yes, you read that right—more than ten times what we spent on Bronson’s bike.

Then, there are the things that seem even more routine, like pajamas. An item most of us buy without a second thought. A quick trip to Walmart, and I can buy a pair for under $10. But for Brantley, regular pajamas won’t cut it. He needs special ones that zip up the back, which cost $36.95 per pair. On top of that, he wears a special needs onesie underneath to keep his pull-up in place—an additional $24.98 bringing the cost of his pajamas to $61.93 a pair.

These are just two examples, but the truth is, this kind of price inflation happens with almost everything. From swim lessons that cost twice as much to specialized shoes, clothes, or toys—nothing is simple or affordable when it comes to caring for a child with special needs.

While I’m deeply grateful for the products and services available to help Brantley, the financial reality can feel crushing.

The frustrating part is that so many of these costs aren’t luxuries—they’re necessities. Brantley doesn’t need a $3,000 bike because we’re spoiling him; he needs a $3,000 bike so that he can simply experience the joy of riding a bike like other kids his age. He doesn’t need $60 pajamas because we’re bougie; he needs them in order to stay clothed through the night.

And yet, the weight of these costs never fades. This is our reality. Every necessity—whether it’s therapy, school, or just pajamas—comes with a higher price tag.

While I wouldn’t trade a moment with Brantley and the joy he brings to our life, the weight of those extra zeros is hard to ignore. #autismfamily #autismlife #autismparents #specialneedsmom

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