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The Recipe For Success

When I loaded up and left our house this morning I was terrified for what was to come. Our monotonous schedule was different because Brantley had a doctor appointment and testing.

I strapped the most precious 55 pounds of cargo in the back of my SUV, placed a bag full what seemed like everything but the kitchen sink on the floor and climbed in the drivers seat with a mind full of fear and a heart full of prayer.

We normally use Brantley’s medical stroller for testing and procedures, but this was different. This time they needed Brantley’s back to be exposed for allergy testing.

I can vividly remember the intense itching that resulted from my own allergy testing nearly a decade before and my mind was racing on how they could possibly complete a test of this nature on Brantley.

I had visions of me holding him down while he pulled my hair, hit me, bit me and scratched me. All of these behaviors are par for the course when Brantley doesn’t want to be held or he is uncomfortable.

We met one of his behavior technicians in the parking lot and seeing a familiar face, brought a smile to Brantley’s face as we wheeled his chair in the doors. This eased my fears a bit knowing that the helping hand would be invaluable.

When it came time for the test, we had Brantley’s favorite Magic Meltdown video cued up on YouTube. I held him and comforted him while his behavioral therapist pulled edible reinforcers, fidget toys and chew cords from that bag I brought along.

For 15 minutes I comforted him, praised him, and watched him eat snack after snack. I have never been prouder of my boy as I was watching him calmly wait the necessary time with Pirate Booty crumbs covering his face and chest.

As I thought about the roller coaster of emotions I had throughout the day,  it dawned on me that today was a prime representation of raising a child with  Autism.

My journey started with fear and prayer, but I buckled up and provided Brantley with the accommodations he needed to succeed. I watched on pins and needles as he worked through all of the sensory issues that come along with doctors visits and allergy testing, but the pride in my boy that consumed me after was unrivaled.

It’s hard not to lose sight of the goal on a special needs parenting journey, but with a lot of accommodation, planning, prayers and work anyone can succeed.

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