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Thrills and Growth: An Unforgettable Day at Kings Island thanks to A Kid Again

There’s something magical about seeing how much kids can change. We got to witness that firsthand today during our monthly adventure with A Kid Again, at Kings Island.

There was a time when roller coasters weren’t just intimidating for Brantley —they were downright terrifying. And let’s be honest, they were a bit terrifying for us, too, because each attempted ride quite literally scared the crap out of Brantley. They always ended the same way, with an explosive “code brown” that spread from his shoulders to his knees.

But kids grow and change in unexpected ways. So earlier this year, we decided to test the waters with a small coaster at the Columbus Zoo. Brantley was excited as we boarded the train; but as we hit the first hill he clung to me like always. Then something amazing happened—his look of concern slowly turned into a smile.

In that moment, I realized things had changed. He was no longer terrified; he was enjoying it.

Today at Kings Island, we decided to take things a step further. I wasn’t sure how he’d handle the bigger rides. Would the wooden coasters be too rough for him? Would the larger steel ones be too intense?

Turns out, Brantley was pretty clear on his preferences. Wooden coasters weren’t his thing, but the steel ones? He loved them. He smiled his way through ride after ride. And in that moment, I realized we were witnessing another milestone in Brantley’s growth.

Kids change in their own time, in their own way. It’s not always predictable, and it rarely follows the timeline you expect. But when those moments happen—when they break through their fears and discover something new—it’s pure joy.

As a parent, that’s one of the most thrilling rides of all. #autismfamily #autismlife #autismmom #specialneedsfamily #akidagain

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