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When my non-verbal child calls

When I saw my caller ID, I knew full well that the person on the other end would not speak to me,  but I  told my mom that I had a call coming in and would call her back.

It was Brantley’s watch calling. Because he is non-verbal, I know he is not calling to check in. In fact, that isn’t why I have that watch tucked in his book bag at all. Rather, it is there so I know when his bus is getting close during their 30 mile commute from school.

It’s not very often that his watch hits just right in his book bag that it pushes the series of buttons needed to call me. In fact, it has happened only two times in three years. But I always answer. I answer so I can hear how people treat my little man.

While it may sound crazy, and maybe it is, I answer because he can’t tell me if something happens to him. I don’t get to hear about his day, how his teachers are, and if people are nice to him. So I answer and hope to get a glimpse into his day.

This particular day, I heard his teachers prompting him to keep his shoes on. I could hear the frustration in their voice and I chuckled knowing the struggle. I heard his bus driver greet him with so much love. She told him if he kept his socks on for the whole commute she would give him a piece of candy and I chuckled. Because I’m sure that statement brought Brantley the biggest smile; partly  because he loves candy and partly because he knew there was no chance  that he would keep his socks on. This banter put my mind at ease, they were all being good to that blonde haired, rambunctious piece of my heart.

The same night our local news highlighted a case that occurred in Dayton, Ohio. A Dayton Public Schools employee was recorded slapping a special needs child in the head, knocking him down and carrying him by his feet. The family was not immediately notified of the behavior and I question if they ever would have been if it wasn’t caught on camera.

It’s cases like this that terrify me. It’s cases like this that make me answer when luck strikes just right and Brantley’s watch calls me while tucked securely in his book bag.

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